The ISL6506 complements other power components (voltage regulators) in ACPI-compatible designs for microprocessor and computer applications. The IC integrates control of the 5VDUAL and 3.3VDUAL rails into an 8-LD EPAD SOIC package.
The ISL6506 operating mode (active output or sleep output) can be selected with two digital control pins; S3 and S5. A fully integrated linear regulator generates a 3.3VDUAL voltage plane from the 5VSB output of the ATX power supply during sleep (S3, S4/S5). In the active state (during S0 and S1/S2), the ISL6506 uses an external N-channel MOSFET to connect the output directly to the 3.3V input provided by the ATX power supply for minimal loss.
The ISL6506 powers a 5VDUAL plane by switching on ATX 5V output through an NMOS transistor in active state or ATX 5VSB through a PMOS(or PNP) transistor in S3 sleep state. The ISL6506 and ISL6506B 5VDUAL outputs are disabled when the S4/S5 is hibernated. In ISL6506A, 5VDUAL output remains on in S4/S5 sleep.
In function, the ISL6506 and the ISL6506B are identical. However, the ISL6506B's internal 3.3V LDO is limited to 2A, while the ISL6506 is limited to 1A. The ISL6506A has a 1A current limit on the internal 3.3V LDO.
Block Diagram
Typical Application